Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Another element in Poland’s air defence system

Another element in Poland’s air defence system


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defence Mariusz Blaszczak has approved another agreement for the acquisition of Bystra radiolocation stations for the Polish Army under an executive agreement concluded between the State Treasury, the Armament Agency and the PGZ-PILICA+ Consortium.

“This is another agreement, as the first one is already being implemented. This year, the first radiolocation stations will be delivered to the Polish Army. This agreement is another 22 radiolocation stations. The value of the agreement is PLN 1.1 billion”, informed the head of the Ministry of National Defence.

As Deputy Prime Minister Błaszczak emphasised, the Pilica+ system, which will include radiolocation stations, is a Polish project. 

“It is a project that will complement our combat capabilities. So starting from the lowest zone, where we use Polish Pioruns, through the higher zone, where we have constructions developed in cooperation with our British partner. In Poland we have one based on the British model – SkySabre. In Rzeszów, we have developed the Polish Narew system based on this model. Of course, the higher layer of the air and missile defence system are the Patriots. Pilica + will serve to shield the Patriots and will complement the lower layers”, explained Mariusz Błaszczak.

The PILICA+ anti-aircraft missile and artillery sets will serve as the primary anti-aircraft systems of the Air Force Air Defence Forces.

The PILICA+ system will include iLAUNCHER short-range rocket launchers with CAMM missiles, BYSTRA radars and elements of the PILICA anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems (PSR-A), i.e.: a command post, short-range radar, 6 fire units with artillery tractors, a communications subsystem and ammunition and transport vehicles, followed by anti-aircraft guns with programmable ammunition and a system designed to combat unmanned aerial vehicles.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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