Strona główna » Vast majority of Polish companies using agile working methods

Vast majority of Polish companies using agile working methods

by Dignity News
Agile working methods are used by eight out of ten Polish companies, and more than 60% use them in their product development process, according to the “Deloitte Agile Maturity Survey” report prepared by the consulting firm Deloitte. The main advantages of this way of organising work include the ability to better tailor a product or service to the customer’s expectations and reduce the time needed to deliver it to the market.

The Agile methodology mean s an agile project management system. Management according to Agile involves the periodic execution of specific stages that make up the various cycles. Between them, progress is presented to the client and the feedback received is implemented in the next cycle. This type of work allows for continuous improvement of the product.

Organisations using agile management methods now account for 80% of all surveyed entities. Adapting an agile approach most often affects product development (64% of responses), initiative portfolio management, planning and decision-making (63%) and communication within the organisation (52%), according to a release from Deloitte.

The desire to reduce the time it takes to deliver products and services to market was cited by 67% of respondents as the main reasons for moving to an agile working model. Two-thirds of the responses related to better customisation of products to meet customer needs, while one in two mentioned a desire for closer collaboration between business and IT.

“Although the use of agile working methods in Poland is a relatively young concept, every year we see growing interest in scaling the agile approach. Organisations are increasingly recognising the benefits of agile teams working together, making decisions faster and based directly on the customer’s perspective and business goals, and testing prototypes of solutions being built”, said partner, Deloitte Technology Strategy & Architecture leader Anna Wiącek-Kocot.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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