Strona główna » Travel industry discusses government’s Social Tourism Programme

Travel industry discusses government’s Social Tourism Programme

by Dignity News
Social tourism – travel by people with special needs is now a natural priority for tour operators, travel agents and tourist information points. Everyone is travelling, including people with disabilities and the elderly. This segment is growing, as demographic trends indicate an ageing population. The nationwide Accessibility Plus Programme 2018-2025 was discussed at the 11th Forum of the Polish Tourist Organisation, Regional and Local Tourist Organisations.

More than 4 million Poles (14%) are people with disabilities, while people aged 60+ account for about 10 million people, or nearly 25% of Poland’s population. At the same time, the purchasing power of senior citizens is growing. By 2035, the share of the ‘silver generation’ in the total value of purchases will increase to 37%. However, seniors are still an underrepresented group among tourism participants.

“Accessibility in tourism – barrier-free sport, tourism and recreation” is a programme to ensure that people with special needs can participate in recreation and leisure activities on an equal basis with others. It is based on the principle of social solidarity. It is the possibility of independent and autonomous use of tourist attractions, information, and knowledge (guides, maps, information points), transport and communication in tourism, routes, paths, hiking trails and catering, accommodation, and sanitary facilities.

„Today, barrier-free service is simply a basic, civilisational and utilitarian standard,” stressed Deputy Sports and Tourism Minister Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, the Prime Minister’s Plenipotentiary for the Promotion of the Polish Brand.

He recalled that for several years there has been a consistent increase in the accessibility of tourism services for social groups, which on their own, without state assistance, would not be able to fully exercise their right to rest and leisure.

„The Social Tourism Programme is another initiative of the Polish government that will stimulate the development of tourism in Poland”, assured Andrzej Gut-Mostowy.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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