Strona główna » Prime Minister comments on the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline and the extension of the anti-inflationary shield

Prime Minister comments on the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline and the extension of the anti-inflationary shield

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Baltic gas pipeline would give Poland energy independence. At the press conference at the Baltic Pipe gas compressor station, the head of the government also announced that the anti-inflation shield that was planned to be in force until the end of July this year, will be extended.

The Baltic Pipe gas pipeline will enable the transport of gas from Norway to the Danish and Polish markets, as well as to end users in neighboring countries. At the same time, it will allow the transmission of gas from Poland to Denmark. According to plans, it will start operating on October 1.

The prime minister said: “Today, Europe is united with one goal – independence from Russian blackmail. We have been calling for EU policy for many years and it is becoming a fact today. The former EU policy that has the face of Gerhard Schröder and became fully discredited, is a thing of the past. We know it well today, and we also know that here, on a construction site like Baltic Pipe gas compressor station, the question of independence is vital. Vladimir Putin wanted to make the whole of Europe dependent on his will but we opposed his murderous plans and built a space of independence. Freedom, independence and sovereignty depend on such projects. We do not want dependence on Russian raw materials”.

During the visit to the Compressor Station of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline in Goleniów in the province In the West Pomeranian region, the prime minister announced that the anti-inflation shield that was planned to be in force until the end of July, would be extended due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“Fighting Putin has its costs. We bear these costs in higher fuel prices, in higher gas prices, but also in the prices of other raw materials. This translates into food. Higher grain prices mean higher food prices”, said Morawiecki.

The head of government recalled that the government is currently working on an “anti-Putin” shield, which, according to earlier announcements, will apply to the spheres of economy suffering as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He also said that after Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the European Union was united even stronger and no one had any illusions about the criminal nature of Vladimir Putin’s system.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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