Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Polish Studies in Poland for foreigners under the fifth NAWA Polonista Programme

Polish Studies in Poland for foreigners under the fifth NAWA Polonista Programme


The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced the enrolment for the fifth NAWA Polonista Programme. Its aim is to promote the Polish language and to popularise Polish studies and research in the world by providing opportunities for foreigners interested in the Polish language and culture to undertake studies or research projects in Poland.

NAWA is inviting foreign students, doctoral students, and researchers whose studies or research focus on the Polish language, Polish culture, art, literature and history to participate in the programme. 

Under the programme, students and doctoral students may receive full or partial scholarships to study Polish studies at selected universities in Poland. Researchers, scholarship holders of the NAWA Polonista Programme, may carry out research projects lasting between 3 and 12 months at Polish universities.

Students, NAWA scholarship holders, during their partial (semester or two-semester) or full-time studies in Poland may develop their interests in Polish Studies by improving their command of the Polish language, attending lectures and classes in accordance with the programme of their chosen studies, conducting research, carrying out scientific projects, collecting materials for their thesis or dissertation, using the resources of university libraries and archives. Interested students choose the university where they are planning to study. 

A novelty in this year’s programme is the extension of the programme offer to include scholarships for Polish scholars who would like to carry out research or teaching projects as part of the programme at foreign academic centres offering Polish studies. The programme is open to projects aimed at strengthening and expanding the activities of foreign universities offering Polish studies, Polish studies or Slavonic studies in Polish.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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