Strona główna » Polish Metrology Union to hold conference „New trends in metrology”

Polish Metrology Union to hold conference “New trends in metrology”

by Dignity News
The Polish Metrology Union, which was established last year as part of a task commissioned to the Lublin University of Technology by the Minister of Education and Science, is organizing the “New trends in metrology” International Metrology Conference on October 17-19, 2022 in Lublin.

The organizers are inviting representatives of various environments and scientific disciplines, public administration employees and business representatives interested in metrology to participate in this event, which will have an interdisciplinary and hybrid character.

The aim of the International Metrology Conference is to exchange views and experiences as well as to present the results of research on the problems of modern metrology.

The subject of the conference will focus on the latest development trends in legal and applied metrology. In particular, it will include electrical, medical, chemical, physical, industrial metrology, photometry and radiometry.

The Polish Metrological Union was established on August 30, 2021. Its office is located at the Lublin University of Technology.

The main goal of the Union is the integration of Polish institutions dealing with metrology. “Together, we want to effectively manage the flow of information, not only of an intellectual and scientific nature but also of the research facilities possessed and possible to use. Such centralization will enable effective exchange of ideas, staff development, rational development of the scientific and research base as well as effective cooperation with the social and business environment”, said the rector of the Lublin University of Technology, Prof. Zbigniew Pater.

The director of the Polish Metrological Union office, Prof. Jerzy Józwik stated that the main task of the Union will be to carry out an inventory of the metrology apparatus in Poland as a “Universal metrology inventory” initiative. This will allow for the creation of an infrastructure base to carry out research work.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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