Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Polish Army received upgraded FlyEye reconnaissance drone systems

Polish Army received upgraded FlyEye reconnaissance drone systems

by Dignity News
The Polish Army has received further FlyEye reconnaissance drone systems manufactured by Polish company Grupa WB. The FlyEye unmanned aerial system is an entirely Polish solution designed to perform a wide range of missions.

“The Polish Army at the end of November completed the acceptance of five FlyEye BSP syststems, upgraded under a contract from last December by Grupa WB. The mini class unmanned aerial systems have been upgraded to the latest version of the system – FlyEye v. 3.6”, reported the Armament Agency on Twitter.

The drone upgrade was carried out based on feedback and experience, considering the experience of the war in Ukraine. Improvements include navigation systems, enhanced security levels and integration with TOPAZ.

“There are further executive contracts ahead, resulting from the framework agreement signed at this year’s MSPO (defence industry trade fair in Kielce) for the acquisition of nearly 1,700 drones – more than 400 systems in the latest developmental versions”, says the release.

The Armament Agency has concluded a contract with WB Electronics S.A. (part of the WB Group) for the delivery of nearly 1,700 FlyEye along with logistics and training packages. The contract, with a term until the end of 2035, provides for the procurement of close to 1,700 drones under subsequent executive contracts, in the latest development versions of the system.

The Polish military has been using Flyeye drones since 2010. They were delivered to artillery units and an air reconnaissance squadron from Mirosławiec, as well as to the Special Forces. They have also been equipped by the WOT. Drones are used by the Border Guard and uniformed formations of other countries, and this type of equipment is also used on the border with Belarus.

The flying device measures 3.6m in span, its take-off weight is 12kg, the range of the standard radio link is 50km. In addition to the drones, the system includes observation drone units, a ground-based flight control station, a data analysis station and a training device.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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