Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Poles trust NATO, the Polish army, and the European Union

Poles trust NATO, the Polish army, and the European Union

by Dignity News
The institutions which Poles trust the most are NATO, the Polish army, and the European Union, according to an IBRiS poll for Onet. As underlined, most institutions have lost trust compared to last June’s poll.

According to the poll, the most trusted is NATO, in which 74.7% of respondents declare their trust (down by 7.2 %). The second place was taken by the military. This institution is trusted by 69.7 % of respondents (down by 9.1 %). The last position on the podium is occupied by the European Union, which is trusted by 53 % of respondents, 9.1 % less than in the previous survey. Distrust of the EU was declared by 31 % of people.

The police ranked fourth (trusted by 46.7 % of respondents, down 14.3 %) and the private media fifth (trusted by 45 % of respondents, down 7.8 %). The Senate is trusted at almost the same level as in June 2022. The upper house of parliament is trusted by 44.1 % of respondents (compared to 44.6 % last year).

Trust in the Catholic Church fell slightly (by 1.8 % to 42.2 %). The Church is not trusted by 39.3 % of people. The least trusted by Poles are: The Constitutional Tribunal, trusted by 29 %, and the public media, trusted by 25 % of the survey participants. Compared to the previous survey, the public media recorded a decline of 8.7 %.

Courts were trusted by 37.6 % of people (a decrease of 0.8 % points), while 41% distrusted them. There was little change in trust in the government, which, according to the survey, is trusted by 31.9 % of Poles, while 54.5 % of respondents declared no trust. Trust in the Sejm is declared by 29.3 %, while distrust is expressed by 48.2 % of respondents.

The survey was conducted by the IBRiS Institute for Market and Social Research on 27 and 28 October on a nationwide group of 1,100 people by means of standardised computer-assisted questionnaire interviews (CATI).

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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