Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Poland’s labour market changes with more and more women taking up leadership positions

Poland’s labour market changes with more and more women taking up leadership positions

by Dignity News


According to the Polish Economic Institute, the share of women in managerial positions in Poland is 43 %. The average in the European Union is 35 %.

“43 % of women in managerial positions in Poland is not a bad result. And the research of the European Leasing Fund made in this respect shows even higher indicators. I think that the trend is upward. This is very good news”, said Anna Somorowska, vice-president of the Women’s Entrepreneurial Network Foundation.

“The figures for Poland are not a bad result. I have also seen the research of the European Leasing Fund. Even higher indicators came out there. I think that the trend is upward. This is very good news,” said Somorowska.

The Women’s Entrepreneurial Network Foundation supports women’s activity and entrepreneurship, especially opening businesses.

“We believe that ladies can take matters into their own hands. The second important topic is the issue of inclusivity, because there is more and more entrepreneurship of Ukrainian women among the entrepreneurship of Polish women. We also run such programmes of inclusivity, cooperation, co-creation of companies in our foundation”, she stressed.

In her opinion, women often make their dreams come true by opening a company, which may be due to tiredness of working for corporations.

“Things like competence or communication are the main reasons why women want to change something in their lives. Obviously in favour of the family, increasing the amount of time for the family. There is a difference between women and men in this respect”, highlighted the vice-president.

She also pointed out that in Poland, but also in many other countries, women often earn less than men in the same positions. “There is still a lot to do in this respect. The directives that are currently being introduced, as well as the very determined attitude of Polish women, including our foundation and many institutions, are trying to change this”, she said.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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