Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » PM Morawiecki reports the highest indexation of disability and old-age pensions in 15 years

PM Morawiecki reports the highest indexation of disability and old-age pensions in 15 years


Ahead of the January inflation data, which will be released by the Central Statistical Office next Tuesday, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced a higher than legally binding indexation of pensions and the payment of the 14th pension in autumn 2022.

At a joint press conference with the minister of family and social policy, Marlena Maląg, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki emphasized that in a post-pandemic or pandemic 2022 year, the government will apply a special valorization mechanism to increase salaries and pensions for many billions PLN higher than it is obliged by law. Pension benefits will increase by 7% from March 1.

The increase of indexation will mean an increase in the pension by approximately PLN 190 gross. The prime minister said that the new indexation system was to be a response to the crisis caused by the pandemic. Earlier, the budget assumed that the indexation of pensions would amount to 5%.

He also informed that the lowest pension from March 1 will be over PLN 1,200 and will be higher by nearly 60% from the lowest pension in 2015.

“In the autumn or late summer, pensioners will receive their 14th pension. To resume, at the beginning of the year, the pensioners received a tax-free pension up to PLN 2,500, today the government is assuring the highest indexation in the history of the last 15 years, definitely by billions PLN exceeding the Act’s obligations. The 13th pension and the 14th pension will also be paid this year”, said Morawiecki.

Pursuant to the Act on old-age and disability pensions from the Social Insurance Fund, these benefits are subject to annual indexation from 1 March. The indexation index is the average annual price index of consumer goods and services in the previous calendar year, increased by at least 20% of the real increase in the average wage in the previous calendar year.


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