Strona główna » More companies to operate in border areas in Poland

More companies to operate in border areas in Poland

by Dignity News
At the end of December 2021, there were 806.300 entries included in the REGON register of national entities located in border areas of Poland. It accounted for 16.7% of the total number of national entities in the country. Their number in the analyzed zone increased by 24.500, i.e. 3.1%, compared to 2020, informed the Central Statistical Office (GUS).

According to the Central Statistical Office, the vast majority of border area companies at the end of 2021 belonged to the private sector (95.7%). Compared to 2020, the number of entities in this sector increased by 23.200 units i.e. up to 771.300, i.e. by 3.1%. On the other hand, 26.500 entities belonged to the public sector, less than in the previous year.

According to the Central Statistical Office, “Characteristics of border areas in Poland. Entities of the national economy in 2021” of the total number of national economy entities operating in the border areas of Poland, almost half were located in the border zone of three voivodships: Śląskie (19.0%), Dolnośląskie (17.3%) and Zachodniopomorskie (13.5%).

In the border area of ​​Poland, there were 111.1 entities per 1,000 population in 2021, i.e. below the national average of 126.7.

The largest number of entities per 1000 population in 2021 was recorded in the zone at the border with Germany – 140.7, then at the border with the Czech Republic – 114.6. The smallest number of entities per 1,000 population was operated at the border with Ukraine – 85.9, then in the border zone near Lithuania – 89.8.

In terms of industries of the national economy entities in the REGON register and operating in the border area of ​​Poland, most entities of the national economy belong to section 2: trade; repair of motor vehicles – 20.6%, construction – 15.7%, industrial processing – 8.3%. and professional, scientific and technical activities – 7.9%.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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