Strona główna » Ministry of National Defense to plan firearm training in every secondary school

Ministry of National Defense to plan firearm training in every secondary school

The Ministry of National Defense (MON) expects every secondary school graduate to be able to shoot short and long weapons.

He stated that all students should participate in firearm training; adults should know how to use combat weapons. The training would take place during the lessons of a new subject: Defense Training, which will be returned to the curriculum in September.

Ociepa pointed out that Pro-Defense Training Centers should be established in each voivodship. They would be open to schools and non-governmental organizations. The money for their functioning would be allocated from the budget of the Territorial Defense Forces.

The Ministry of Defense would like students to participate in firearm training at shooting ranges as part of their defence training. This would mean a return to the “Shooting range in each district” program initiated by Antoni Macierewicz. The program has so far led to the creation of 48 objects (some of them are “virtual”). There are over 300 districts in Poland, which may mean the need to increase funding from the state.

The idea of the Ministry of National Defense would replace universal military conscription. The deputy minister noted that the initiative still requires political consultations, it is not known whether the proposals will be accepted and implemented.

The deputy head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Dariusz Piontkowski, also spoke about the possible introduction of a new subject to schools.

“There are talks with the Ministry of National Defense and experts on what additional content should be added to the subject. The elements related to first aid and security in the event of extraordinary events would certainly also remain”, said the deputy minister. He emphasized that the new subject Defense Training may also include shooting classes.

The war in Ukraine changed Poland’s approach to ensuring the country’s security. The law on the protection of the Motherland, already signed by President Andrzej Duda, is increasing military spending by 50%.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński


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