Strona główna » Joint declaration of the conferences of rectors from France, Germany and Poland on assistance for Ukraine

Joint declaration of the conferences of rectors from France, Germany and Poland on assistance for Ukraine

by Dignity News
“Universities are also ready to contribute to the future reconstruction of Ukraine. It is essential to create the political and financial conditions for long-term cooperation between Ukrainian and European universities”, announced the rectors of French, German and Polish universities in a joint declaration.

The conferences of rectors from France, Germany and Poland have published a joint declaration calling for due consideration to the areas of education and research.

“The Russian attack on Ukraine represents a great challenge to the existence of the Ukrainian state and to the cohesion of democratic societies in Europe and the world. Since the beginning of the war, support for Ukrainian universities, their students and staff has been provided by universities from all over Europe. They are ready to contribute also to the future reconstruction of the Ukrainian state. Modern and internationally attractive universities, forming the core of the education and research system, will play a key role in the development of Ukrainian society and economy.

The presidents of the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, France Universités and the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools of Poland stressed that the functioning of universities is a basic condition for the education of specialists and executives for business, politics and society as a whole. In the opinion of the signatories of the document, the impetus supporting modernisation in all key areas of activity should come from the academic centres.

“It is essential to create political and financial conditions for long-term cooperation between Ukrainian and European universities. This is the key to socio-economic revival, modernisation and successful further development of Ukraine as part of the European community of states”, assessed the rectors.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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