Strona główna » Infrastructure minister wants the Road Transport Inspectorate to become a uniformed service

Infrastructure minister wants the Road Transport Inspectorate to become a uniformed service

by Dignity News
Infrastructure Minister Alvin Gajadhur has announced that he intends to submit draft laws to the Council of Ministers amending the rules of the Road Transport Inspection (ITD). It will become a uniformed service, able to perform its duties 24/7.

The amendment proposal includes an act amending the act on road transport and certain other acts and the act on the Road Transport Inspection.

“The changes we are introducing will lead to a significant increase in the effectiveness of controls on Polish roads. The Polish state must keep up with reality, and this requires us to act decisively. We are fighting unfair competition in the Polish road transport sector and we will be even more effective in this”, said the Infrastructure Minister.

Alvin Gajadhur pointed out that the changes will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of the tasks performed by ITD. It will be possible to react more efficiently to emergency situations by allocating more inspectors to carry out checks in specific parts of the country.

The draft amendment provides for such changes in the structure of ITD organisation, which will enable a quick and effective response to locally arising negative phenomena related to truck traffic. It will also be important to ensure consistency in the control tasks performed by individual provincial inspectors.

What is more, road transport inspectors will be made equal in legal terms with officers of other control services.

“Thanks to the changes proposed by our ministry, service in the Inspectorate will become even more attractive”, said Gajadhur. He expressed the hope that the process of recruiting new employees for the service would accelerate and that the highly-qualified staff currently employed by the ITD could be better managed.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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