Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » First investments in the Central Communication Port to be completed in 2027

First investments in the Central Communication Port to be completed in 2027


Marcin Horała, the government plenipotentiary for the construction of the Central Communication Port (CPK) declared that the first investments will be completed in 2027. He emphasizes that the construction process is developing according to the very ambitious schedule. This means that CPK is being constructed 2.5 times faster than such projects in Europe.

In 2022, the CPK company will submit an application for the so-called environmental decision. It is planning to select a general designer who will develop the design of the main passenger terminal and railroad interchange.

The Central Communication Port will be a transport node between Warsaw and Łódź, it will integrate air transport (airport hub), rail and road. In this project, the Solidarność Airport will be built approximately 37 km west of Warsaw, in an area of approximately 30 square km, which will serve 45 million passengers annually in the first stage of operation.

Marcin Horała also referred to the report of the Supreme Audit Office on the CPK. In his opinion, the report itself positively describes the course of the investment and the progress of works, but in the public space narratives are presented as if everything was to be different. In his opinion, such a situation is used by the opposition, which is manipulating in this matter. The deputy minister also recalled that the decision of the Civic Platform government not to build the CPK could have been catastrophic for the Polish economy.

Horała explains that despite the opposition accusing the CPK of lack of profitability. The business plan and private investor tests show CPK profitability every year. Otherwise, the European Commission would have decided to return the illegal state aid.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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