Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Exhibition 'I have seen a true masterpiece’ – Polish painting of the 19th and early 20th centuries on display at the Herbst Palace in Łódź

Exhibition ‘I have seen a true masterpiece’ – Polish painting of the 19th and early 20th centuries on display at the Herbst Palace in Łódź


Works by the greatest Polish painters from the collections of the Łódź Museum of Art can be seen at the Scheibler-Herbst residence in Łódź, known as Herbst Palace. The exhibits include paintings by Michałowski, Matejko, Wyspiański, Gerson, Chełmoński, Gierymski, Malczewski, Wyczółkowski and Boznańska. 

The exhibition features one of the most important paintings of 19th century Polish art -Portrait of Mother by Henryk Rodakowski. Having seen it, Eugène Delacroix wrote in his diary under the date 8 April 1853: “I have seen a true masterpiece”. It was probably then that the painting by the Polish artist was described as a masterpiece for the first time, and this highest praise was given by none other than one of the most important French painters.

Today it is difficult not to agree with this flattering opinion. There are few portraits that could compare with Rodakowski’s painting. Maria Rodakowska, née Singer, was depicted extremely modestly. The painter showed only her face and hands. The rest of the painting (velvet dress and background) is simply black. Attention is focused on two elements: the kindly face surrounded by chestnut hair full of highlights, and the delicate hands. Their only decoration is the elaborate lace of the collar and cuffs. 

Anyone who has seen this romantic, atmospheric portrait once will not forget it for a long time. It was painted with great academic mastery, as required by the jurors of the Paris Salons (Rodakowski successfully exhibited his works there, even winning a gold medal). Thanks to the bold brushstrokes laid directly on the canvas, without preparatory sketches, and the strength of the emotions contained in the painting, the portrait also remains a masterpiece for those viewing it in the 21st century. 

The Herbst Palace itself, the seat of a branch of the Museum of Art in Łódź, is also an extraordinary place. Its history is inextricably linked with the fate of the Herbst and Scheibler families, who for years created the industrial power of Łódź. 

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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