Strona główna » European Chief Prosecutor to visit Poland

European Chief Prosecutor to visit Poland

by Dignity News
“We are waiting for a response from the European Commission on Poland’s accession to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). But we are not wasting time and are taking preparatory steps so that Poland can participate in this system”, informed the Minister of Justice, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar at a press conference after a meeting with the European Chief Public Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kövesi.

In Poland, 24 prosecutors affiliated to 3 or 4 offices will work for the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The prosecutors will be embedded in the national system and will have identical powers to national prosecutors. They will cooperate with the police and fiscal services. “Citizens who will have knowledge of a crime falling within the remit of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office can notify the representatives of the public prosecutor’s office in Luxembourg or the public prosecutor’s office in Poland”, said European Public Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kövesi at a press conference.

The task of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is to prosecute crimes committed against the financial interests of the European Union, including tax fraud, money laundering and corruption. The EPPO initiates pre-trial proceedings, brings indictments and acts as a public prosecutor before the courts of EU Member States.

According to the European Prosecutor General Laura Codruța Kövesi, Poland’s accession will strengthen the functioning of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. “I hope that we will better protect the financial interests of the European Union and its people”, she said.

Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar submitted a request to Prime Minister of the Republic Donald Tusk for Poland to join the European Public Prosecutor’s Office on his first day in office at the Ministry of Justice, 13 December 2023. Subsequently, the Head of Government, after obtaining the approval of the Council of Ministers, the opinions of parliamentary committees, referred the request to the European Commission. Now Poland is waiting for the Commission’s response.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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