Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Polish city and commune offices accepting applications of refugees from Ukraine for PESEL number  

Polish city and commune offices accepting applications of refugees from Ukraine for PESEL number  

Polish city and commune offices are accepting applications for providing refugees from Ukraine with a PESEL number. This solution enables refugees who left Ukraine due to the Russian aggression to benefit from social and medical assistance and the education system. Foreigners can set up a Trusted Profile and then start working legally.

Refugees may apply for a PESEL number at any executive body of the commune to work in Poland and gain access to healthcare. Pupils and students can continue their education in Polish schools and universities. Refugees from Ukraine will also be entitled to financial assistance. Pursuant to the act, they will receive PLN 300 per person.

Due to an armed conflict in the territory of Ukraine, the Act on assistance to Ukrainian citizens states that a PESEL number is assigned to a citizen of Ukraine whose stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland has been recognized as legal, on the basis of an application submitted to any executive body of the commune in Poland.

The citizen of Ukraine submits the application in person at the seat of the commune body. The application on behalf of a person without legal capacity or with limited legal capacity applying for a PESEL number can be submitted by one of the parents, guardian, probation officer or temporary guardian.

The application should contain a name and surname, a unique registration number given by the Ukrainian authority, citizenship, date of entry into the territory of the Republic of Poland and an annotation about taking fingerprints. It should also include a declaration of arrival in the territory of the Republic of Poland directly from the territory of Ukraine in connection with hostilities conducted in the territory of that country or a declaration of being the spouse of a Ukrainian citizen who came to the territory of the Republic of Poland directly from the territory of Ukraine.

When submitting the application, the requested person shall be fingerprinted, unless it is a person who is under 12 years of age or for whom it is temporarily physically impossible to take fingerprints of any of their fingers.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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