Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Vaccination against COVID-19. Almost 800,000 Nuvaxovid vaccines delivered to Poland

Vaccination against COVID-19. Almost 800,000 Nuvaxovid vaccines delivered to Poland

by Dignity News
Almost 800,000 Nuvaxovid vaccines against Covid-19 have been delivered to Poland. “More than 360,000 people have already been vaccinated, with almost 220,000 vaccines available at vaccination centres”, reports the ministry’s spokesman, Damian Kuraś. Vaccination can be carried out at Primary Health Care centres and pharmacies. This is almost 2.5 thousand points, including 400 pharmacies.

“We have 80,000 free appointments for the Covid-19 vaccination, so there should be no problems with vaccination. 20 thousand people are already enrolled. This is not all, as more than 200 thousand doses of RARS (Government Agency for Strategic Reserves) are just now being delivered to healthcare facilities, pharmacies, hospitals, nursing homes and care facilities”, conveyed Kuraś.

During the press briefing, the spokesperson pointed out that the 800,000 Nuvaxovid preparations were delivered to Poland and benefited most people aged 60-79. “In this age group, 216,000 people received the vaccine and that is almost 60 % of all vaccinated people”, reported Kuraś.

The Nuvaxovid vaccine (from company Novavax), modified for the coronavirus sub-variant XBB.1.5, can be taken as part of the basic vaccination or as a booster dose. Vaccination is voluntary and free of charge. They can be taken by persons 12 years of age or older who have not previously been vaccinated against COVID-19 and those who have been vaccinated and it has passed at least 6 months since their last vaccination.

Nuvaxovid XBB.1.5, administered as a single dose, has shown the potential to stimulate an effective immune response against the Omicron XBB.1.5 subvariant, suggesting efficacy against new viral variants as well.

“Data from clinical trials have shown an increase in antibody levels following a booster dose of Nuvaxovid in adults after primary vaccination”, reports the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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