Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » TAURON launched the first microgrid in Poland

TAURON launched the first microgrid in Poland

TAURON Polska Energia has launched a microgrid, i.e. a small power grid that provides for electricity supplies to connected  consumers even in extreme situations. The system launched in Bytom uses wind power, photovoltaic panels and a stabilizing system with energy storage and gas generator. It is the first functioning microgrid system in Poland.

According to TAURON’s press office, the microgrid has been launched on the site of the former Szombierki mine and consists of two photovoltaic installations, five wind microturbines, a gas generator, an energy storage and an innovative transformer station. In addition, the installation will be equipped with security systems, a monitoring system, lighting, and a weather station. Currently, the TAURON microgrid provides electricity to 54 households and covers an area of ​​nine thousand square meters.

The heart of the entire installation is the Microgrid Management System that coordinates the work of all microgrid elements.

Artur Warzocha, Vice President of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia explains that as the largest distribution company in the country, TAURON is looking for solutions that ensure a stable supply of electricity to all customers, regardless of the place of living. In a situation of rapid development of dispersed energy sources, microgrids have great potential, especially in hard-to-reach places at the ends of the power grid. The microgrid is a technologically advanced response to the increasingly noticeable trend to integrate distributed sources into larger structures. The ability to island- work will ensure access to energy even in the event of a blackout or power outages caused by sudden weather phenomena,” added Warzocha.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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