Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Survey: over three quarters of Poles feel satisfied with their lives

Survey: over three quarters of Poles feel satisfied with their lives

by Dignity News
More than three-quarters of Poles feel satisfied with their lives, 19 % assess its level as average and 3 % are dissatisfied with their lives, according to the latest survey by the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CBOS).

According to the authors of the survey, the declared overall satisfaction with life as a whole has changed slightly compared to the 2022 ratings. 77 % of respondents feel satisfied with their lives, although only 22 % are very satisfied and 55 % are rather satisfied. 19 % of Poles perceive both good and bad moments in their life balance, leading them to describe their level of life satisfaction as average. 3 % are dissatisfied with their lives.

The level of satisfaction is influenced by money. Among respondents assessing their material situation as bad, only 39% feel satisfied with life, among those considering it average – 66%, and among those assessing it as good – 87%. The least satisfied with life are those with an income of less than PLN 1499 per capita.

Those who frequently participate in religious practices are clearly more satisfied with life. The survey shows that 87 % of those practising several times a week and 79 % of those practising once a week are satisfied with their lives, while non-practitioners are only 67 % satisfied with their lives overall.

Within socio-occupational groups, the highest number of people satisfied with their existence was recorded among service workers (87 %), managers and professionals with higher education (86 %), as well as among administrative and clerical workers (83 %) and middle staff and technicians (81 %).

The Current Problems and Events survey was conducted from 28 November to 12 December 2023 on a representative registered sample of 961 adult residents of Poland, drawn from the PESEL register.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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