“We have a common language” is the slogan of the first ever joint cultural season organised by Poland and Romania. The official announcement of the Romania-Poland Cultural Season 2024-2025 was marked by a concert at the Royal Castle in Warsaw performed by Romanian artists led by violinist Alexandru Tomescu.
The Romania-Poland Cultural Season 2024-2025 will begin in June 2024 and end in October 2025. The Romanian Ministry of Culture and the Romanian Institute of Culture, as well as the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, with the support of the Polish Institute in Bucharest, are responsible for its preparation and programme implementation.
The Polish season in Romania will open with the opening of the exhibition “The Tatras. Wróblewski, Karłowicz, Wyczółkowski’ at the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu. Prepared by the Wróblewski Foundation, the exhibition will consist of paintings, prints and photographs inspired by the beauty of the Carpathian landscapes.
Some of the highlights of the season in Poland will be the exhibitions: “Dacia, the Kingdom of Gold and Silver” at the National Museum in Krakow and “Treasures and Rituals in the Romanian Middle Ages” at the National Museum in Gdansk, both organised by the National Museum of Romanian History, as well as Losif Király’s monographic exhibition presented as part of the Fotofestiwal in Lodz.
The season will also bring many theatrical, cinematic, and musical events. Polish and Romanian artists will take part in important festivals in both countries, including the International Theatre Festival in Sibiu and the Festival of Prapremieres in Bydgoszcz.
“The programme of major film events will include Polish and Romanian productions, including at the Transilvania TIFF International Film Festival and the New Horizons in Wrocław”, reports the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
Adrian Andrzejewski