Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Research Centre for Fire Safety and Acoustics opened

Research Centre for Fire Safety and Acoustics opened

by Dignity News
Łukasiewicz – The Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials (ICiMB) has opened the Research Centre for Fire Safety and Acoustics, one of the most advanced centres of its kind in Europe, which will serve not only Łukasiewicz scientists, but also entrepreneurs, students, and firefighters.

The Centre for Fire Safety and Acoustics was established in response to the growing socio-economic challenges of modern construction. It will conduct research and development activities in the field of fire safety and noise protection in construction. Faced with the need to provide green and sustainable solutions for the construction industry, the Centre will focus on technologies that meet ecological requirements, are energy efficient and safe for users, reports the Łukasiewicz Research Network.

“We are convinced that this is the beginning of a new path, full of possibilities and achievements. Together, in cooperation between business, science and administration, we will strive to achieve the set goals in the field of fire safety and acoustics”, said Dr Paweł Pichniarczyk, Director of Łukasiewicz – ICiMB.

Domestic and foreign entities will test their products there. The creation of the Centre means not only new orders for Łukasiewicz, but also an opportunity to gain business contacts, knowledge of the latest technological solutions, as well as potential opportunities for cooperation and the implementation of joint research and development projects.

The newly established Centre will not only be limited to conducting research for business clients and scientific entities. It will also serve as an educational and teaching centre for students, doctoral students and students of the School of Aspirants of the State Fire Service in Krakow. It is a place where future specialists will gain knowledge and practical skills, as well as an experiential platform for professional firefighters.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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