Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Regional Centre for Digital Medicine to establish in Lublin

Regional Centre for Digital Medicine to establish in Lublin

by Dignity News
The Medical University of Lublin, the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin and the Lublin University of Technology will establish a Regional Centre for Digital Medicine (RCMC) together with the Medical University’s Biobank Clinical Research Support Centre. The cost of the project is PLN 28 million. The funding will be provided by the Medical Research Agency.

“The project will bring changes to digital medicine and patient care, creating new diagnostic and therapeutic models. This is digitisation that aims to make diagnosis fast and very effective. And this provides a condition for a very good therapy for our patients”, said Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek during the meeting.

The Regional Centre for Digital Medicine in Lublin will contribute to the development of IT solutions in digital medicine allowing for the analysis of medical data or tools facilitating the work of doctors. This will translate into an improvement in the effectiveness of patients’ treatment and their access to innovative therapies, which will ultimately allow society’s health needs to be met and barriers currently existing in the medical care system to be eliminated.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the creation of the centre will serve to analyse data, support clinical research and hospital care in the area of digital solutions and retrospective analysis. The units will include facilities for direct analysis of data obtained from biological samples from clinical trial participants.

The Lublin RCMC will be one of eighteen centres in Poland affiliated to the Digital Medicine Centres Network with an overarching role for the Medical Research Agency, ultimately in the form of the ABM Digital Medicine Centre.

The Lublin University of Technology, participating in the project, is responsible for tasks concerning data anonymisation and transfer, the development of standards for secondary data sharing and analysis, as well as the creation of algorithms and tools for analysing integrated data and software for securing and sharing data.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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