Strona główna » Prime Minister announced new regulations on access to weapons and modern shooting ranges

Prime Minister announced new regulations on access to weapons and modern shooting ranges

by Dignity News
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the United Right political group focuses on modern shooting ranges, available to the inhabitants of each poviat. The head of the government talked about the “Shooting range in the district” program during his visit to the shooting range in Myszków.

Mateusz Morawiecki said that the war in Ukraine clearly shows that freedom is not given once and for all and must be defended.

“If Russia ever thinks of attacking Poland, it must know that 40 million Poles in Poland are ready to defend their homeland with arms in hand”, stated the prime minister.

He noted that Poland had been in Russian captivity for centuries and did not want it back, therefore today it rejects Russian imperialism. “We live in a free country and we will fight for our freedom”, added the head of the Polish government.

Prime Minister Morawiecki announced that in the coming months the parliament will develop new regulations on access to weapons. He said that this is a particularly important issue due to the situation in Ukraine.

According to Prime Minister Morawiecki, there is a need for changes in this matter in Poland to make it stronger and Poles better trained in the use of weapons. The head of government remarked that access to weapons must be regulated.

The “Shooting range in the district” program is to stimulate a passion for sports shooting, especially among young people, and to develop citizens’ shooting skills. Under the program, local governments can apply for co-financing of the renovation or construction of shooting facilities. The last call announced under the program was realized in June last year. At that time, the money for the renovation of the shooting range was received by Myszków poviat.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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