Strona główna » Prime minister and President state the crime in Bucha was a genocide. Criminals must be trialled

Prime minister and President state the crime in Bucha was a genocide. Criminals must be trialled

by Dignity News
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki commented on the Bucha tragedy, where the Ukrainians found several hundred murdered civilians and a mass grave after the Russians withdrew. “The bloody massacres perpetrated by Russian soldiers deserve to be called by name: This is genocide and this crime must be tried as the crime of genocide,” Morawiecki said. 

President Andrzej Duda also commented on the photos and reports from Bucha. “Criminals must be called criminals, brought to justice and sentenced. Pictures from Bucha disprove the belief that we have to seek a compromise at any cost. In fact, the Defenders of Ukraine need three things above all: weapons, weapons and more weapons.”, the president wrote on Twitter. 

Ukrainian soldiers found many bodies of murdered civilians in Bucha, and discovered a mass grave in the area belonging to the church. Some of the victims had their hands tied behind their backs and the marks of shots fired in the back of the head. 

“After 40 days of Russian aggression against Ukraine, no one doubts that what we are dealing with is pure evil. Our scream should be even louder. The Russians committed exceptional crimes, the crime of genocide”, said Mateusz Morawiecki. 

The prime minister called on the leaders of the European Union to act decisively. He also announced that he was proposing to establish an international commission to investigate the crimes of genocide in Ukraine. 

“We propose to establish an international commission to investigate this crime. It will consist of doctors, lawyers and experts. We need such an international commission if we want to know the truth about the extent of Russian crimes”, he added. 

“Today we can see that a map of the genocide of the 21st century is being created. The conclusion is that Russia is already a totalitarian-fascist state today. We must stop them together within NATO, within the European Union. The effectiveness of stopping Putin’s war machine is depending on imposed sanctions”, said the Prime Minister. 

Arkadiusz Słomczyński 


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