Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » President’s Easter meeting with soldiers

President’s Easter meeting with soldiers

by Dignity News

“On the occasion of the upcoming Easter holidays, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, met at the 1st Transport Aviation Base in Warsaw with the leadership of the Ministry of National Defence, soldiers and military personnel”, announced the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland.

“In the last two years we all in Poland have understood so clearly, as rarely before, the importance of the military service for our security, the importance of the Polish soldiers”, emphasised the President.

He expressed his great satisfaction at the realisation of the modernisation and strengthening of the Polish army – irrespective of political divisions; he was pleased that these processes are being continued, realised with full responsibility for Poland’s security, and that there are issues that are beyond all political divisions.

“This is why we carry out all investment tasks, purchases, strengthen alliances, strengthen the army, so we don’t have to fight. This is why the Polish soldier improves himself on military training fields, so that we do not have to fight, so that we never have to use weapons, outside of training, against any attacker”, noted the President.

The meeting began with a minute’s silence in memory of two sappers from the 5th Tarnogórski Chemical Regiment who died on the training ground in Solarnia.

“It is a special task, the service of the Republic in the army, which a man takes on. Today we have seen once again that, apart from ordinary work, on a daily basis, it has also had a tremendous dimension of risk associated with everyday military service”, stressed Andrzej Duda.

During the Easter meeting there was also a reunion with the soldiers of the Polish Military Contingents (PKW) and the Podlasie Task Force. A total of nearly 1.4 thousand soldiers and military personnel are serving outside the country in PKW.

Referring to service abroad, the President mentioned that Polish soldiers died, also because of assassinations, in combat, trying to bring peace and restore the possibility of normal life to people somewhere far away from our country, but at the same time guarding our security.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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