Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » President and Prime Minister discuss the migration pact

President and Prime Minister discuss the migration pact

by Dignity News
President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki will make a statement on the migration pact at noon on Thursday 5 October at the Presidential Palace. The head of the Presidential Office for International Policy, Marcin Przydacz hinted at a diplomatic offensive by the head of state and the head of government.

Przydacz elaborated that the President and the Prime Minister will present Poland’s ‘objectives and diplomatic actions in the context of the migration crisis’. “It will be a presentation of our point of view and our actions on this issue”, he added.

Most of the ambassadors of the European Union member states have adopted the so-called Migration Crisis Regulation. This is the last element of the migration and asylum pact. Representatives of Poland and Hungary objected, while three others abstained.

‘There are some smaller countries that are not afraid of an influx of migrants, relying on them to come and go somewhere else’, commented Marcin Przydacz, and noted that other countries are subject to all sorts of pressure and perhaps they do not understand this threat. “The system proposed by the European Union does not help solve the problem, but only makes it worse”, he added.

In the opinion of the presidential minister, Western European countries are approaching the subject ideologically, while at the same time “wanting to share a problem they have partly created themselves”. “It was not Poland that colonised Africa, it is not Poland that has a responsibility towards these countries, the countries of Western Europe do”, said Przydacz.

Both the Prime Minister and the President have important diplomatic activities planned in the coming days.

The President will visit Portugal on Thursday and Friday. In Porto, he will attend a meeting of the presidents of the Arraiolos Group countries. As Przydacz announced earlier, the main topics on the agenda in Porto will be security and migration.

The Prime Minister will travel to Granada in Spain on Thursday to attend the European Political Community Summit. On the following day, an informal European Council summit will be held there.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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