Strona główna » Preparedness of Polish organisations to implement artificial intelligence solutions

Preparedness of Polish organisations to implement artificial intelligence solutions

by Dignity News
According to the Cisco AI Readiness Index survey, 6 % of organisations in Poland are fully prepared to implement and use artificial intelligence (AI). 47 % admit to being seriously concerned about their business if they do not take action in this area within the next year.

The survey identified four groups of companies at different levels of organisational readiness for the implementation and use of AI: Pacesetters (fully prepared), Chasers (moderately prepared), Followers (limited readiness) and Laggards (unprepared).

“In terms of the overall level of readiness for AI, only 14 % of organisations globally and 6 % in Poland are currently at the Pacesetters level. The survey also found that more than half (52 %) of companies globally, and 64 % in Poland are either in the Laggards or Followers category Approximately one-third of companies (30 % in Poland and 34 % globally) were in the Chasers, or moderately prepared category.

At the same time, the survey notes that companies consider the issue of AI to be urgent and important. 47 % of respondents in {Poland} believe they have up to one year to implement an AI strategy before their organisation begins to experience a significant negative impact on the business.

“Companies are taking a lot of proactive steps to prepare for an AI-focused future, including in Poland. When it comes to building an AI strategy, 95 % of organisations in Poland already have one or are in the process of developing one. IT infrastructure and cyber security were indicated as the areas of highest urgency.

The survey is based on a double-blind sample of 8,161 business and IT leaders from the private sector in 30 countries, including Poland. It was carried out on behalf of Cisco by an independent third-party company in organisations with 500 or more employees. Their AI readiness was assessed across six key pillars: strategy; infrastructure; data; talent; governance and culture.

Arkadiusz Slomczynski

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