Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Polish scientists worked out an innovative solution in the fight against diabetes

Polish scientists worked out an innovative solution in the fight against diabetes

Scientists from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków have created a diabetomat. This device is intended to help people with diabetes measure their blood sugar levels through their exhaled air. Importantly for diabetics, it is a non-invasive solution.


The invention of scientists from AGH, Dr Eng. Artur Rydosz and Dr Eng. Konstanty Marszałek can provide some relief to people suffering from diabetes. Founded by the researchers, the startup Advanced Diagnostic Equipment (ADE), developed a solution similar to a breathalyzer, but instead of measuring the ethanol content in the exhaled air, it determines the level of ketone bodies.

Implemented in 2017, the project aimed at developing and producing a portable respiratory analyzer “based on a matrix of resistive, semiconductor gas sensors in combination with a micropreconcentrator system”. The analyzer has been configured to detect the diabetes biomarkers including acetone, methanol, ethylbenzene and isoprene, which are proportional to blood glucose levels, reducing the need for traditional invasive measurements.

The results of the project have been recognized by the Association of British Inventors and Innovators and the National Research Council of Thailand as part of the Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition, where in 2018 it was awarded a gold medal and a special award.

The commercialization process of the device is already underway. The startup obtained almost PLN 3 million from the National Center for Research and Development, and now the objective is to find investors. For now, the production costs are quite high, but ADE emphasizes that the progress and development of electronics make all technologies cheaper.


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