Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Polish researchers to monitor fungal biodiversity

Polish researchers to monitor fungal biodiversity

by Dignity News
Researchers from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Warsaw (UW), led by Dr Julia Pawłowska, have been recognised in the BiodivMon competition of the European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+. The project by the UW scientists concerns the monitoring of fungal diversity in the context of nature conservation.

The European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+ has announced the results of the competition ‘BiodivMon – Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society’, where scientists can apply for funding for three-year international research projects. The thirty-three awarded projects include six ones led by teams from Poland: FunDive: Monitoring and Mapping Fungal Diversity for Conservation, led by Dr Julia Pawłowska from the UW Faculty of Biology.

Fungi are one of the most abundant groups of organisms on earth with key importance for the functioning of most ecosystems. Despite their great importance, for years they have been neglected in monitoring and conservation efforts. “The main goal of our project is to develop common European monitoring standards and to integrate fungal biodiversity data at an international level, so that this group of organisms can be taken into account in the development of nature conservation legislation”, says Dr Julia Pawłowska.

Working with international partners, the team is planning to create a database based on reference DNA sequences for fungal species from European herbaria. The researchers estimate that sequences for about 500 specimens in Poland alone will be obtained. By collecting and organising the new data, it will be possible to gain a more accurate knowledge and understanding of changes in the diversity and distribution of fungi in Europe.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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