Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Polish President addresses the international community to continue aid to Ukraine

Polish President addresses the international community to continue aid to Ukraine

by Dignity News
“We urge the international community to continue helping Ukraine”, convinced President Andrzej Duda, who took part in the discussion ‘Defending Europe’s United Front’. The debate took place on 17 January 2024 at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The President pointed out that when comparing Russia’s potential both economically and in terms of population, Russia overcomes Ukraine with those indicators. And the fact that Ukrainians have been able to stop successive waves of Russian offensives for two years, repel attacks and still regain, at least in part, Russian-occupied territories, shows the incredible determination and heroism of Ukraine’s defenders and the incredible will to survive.

“It also shows that this international support has allowed Ukraine to survive all the time. And it is needed all the time”, he stressed.

President Duda noted that war fatigue is a very dangerous phenomenon that we must try to prevent.

Andrzej Duda also said that, looking back historically, Poles are well aware of what the Russian invasion, Russian occupation, captivity, deportations to Siberia and terror mean. “Poles perfectly understand the situation of our Ukrainian neighbours”, he pointed out.

The Polish President met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski during the Davos Forum. Andrzej Duda noted that Ukraine’s full membership of NATO should be pursued.

“It is impossible in the midst of the war, but I believe that Ukraine should receive an invitation to NATO, which would start the process of discussing this issue in the individual national parliaments of the Alliance member states. This process could proceed, it is extremely important for the morale of the defenders of Ukraine”, the Polish President said.

In his opinion, Ukraine’s presence in NATO is also important for the strength of the Alliance as a whole and for Poland’s security.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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