Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Polish local governments receive PLN 735 million to help refugees from Ukraine

Polish local governments receive PLN 735 million to help refugees from Ukraine

by Dignity News
Paweł Szefernaker, a deputy minister of internal affairs and administration, government plenipotentiary for war refugees from Ukraine Until April 20, said that the government transferred PLN 735 million to Polish local governments to help refugees from Ukraine.

“Currently, there are less than 2 million people from Ukraine in Poland. We have such knowledge about their stay, according to estimations, resulting from the logging of Ukrainian SIM cards to the Polish telephone networks”, said Szefernaker and added that the registration of refugees in the PESEL system is still ongoing.

“Within a month, nearly a million people registered and the number of these people is growing all the time. Those who register in the PESEL register are Ukrainians, who, in principle, will want to stay longer in Poland”, said the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The government’s plenipotentiary for war refugees from Ukraine admitted that the government is working on estimations.

“We are working on certain estimations. We agreed with local governments that the maximum number of refugees would be around 600,000 Ukrainians who found shelter with Polish families and who would apply for aid. Are we right? We will be able to answer this question in the coming weeks”, added Szefernaker.

On Thursday, April 21, the government decided that help for Poles hosting refugees from Ukraine, the so-called 40+ program, will be extended by 60 days.

The rules of co-financing do not change, i.e. for a total of 120 days from the moment of accepting a refugee from Ukraine, upon an application submitted to the commune office, a Polish citizen can receive support from the government in the amount of PLN 40 per refugee day.

Paweł Szafernaker also informed that the government is taking steps to organize places where children from Ukraine will be able to stay peacefully. “It assumes creating clubs for children, places in nurseries and kindergartens, as well as schools. Schools will be prepared to start from September 1 normal work with children from Ukraine”, stated the Deputy Minister of Interior and Administration.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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