Strona główna » Poland updating energy policy with small nuclear reactors and more RES

Poland updating energy policy with small nuclear reactors and more RES

Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa has announced that the update of Poland’s energy policy until 2040 will include small nuclear reactors and an increased share of renewable energy sources.

“Poland’s energy policy until 2040 is a document that needs updating. It is already known that there will be more renewable energy sources. The photovoltaic systems have exceeded the expectations and Poland will certainly exceed the goals set for 2030. In addition, there will be also onshore and offshore wind energy”, said the head of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Adopted last year by the government, the Polish Energy Policy until 2040 (PEP2040) describes three main areas: fair transition, construction of a parallel, zero-emission energy system and good air quality.

The following indicators have been adopted as the global measures of the achievement of the PEP2040 target: no more than 56% of coal in electricity generation in 2030 and no more than 28% in 2040 for a scenario of low prices of CO2 emission allowances. In the case of high prices, the share of coal in electricity production will be lower: 37% in 2030 and 11% in 2040.

PEP2040 also assumes the implementation of nuclear energy in 2033, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 and an increase in energy efficiency by 23% by 2030, compared to the 2007 primary energy consumption projections.

In the minister’s opinion, a significant role in the supply of energy to large industrial plants will be played by small modular nuclear reactors that will be financed by KGHM and PKN in the coming years.

The update will also include the development of pumped storage and small hydropower plants. According to the social agreement, the ministry is planning to slowly limit the use of coal, but the situation is complicated by the war in Ukraine.

“We have already discussed this matter with energy companies and we will want to extend the life of some coal units through their modernization. With the growing amount of renewable energy, it will help stabilize the system”, assesses Moskwa.

The minister has related to 200 MW coal-fired units, which may be an important part of the power system for a long time to come. There are almost 50 such coal-fired and lignite-fired units in Poland. The National Center for Research and Development recently informed the public about completing the “Blocks 200+” program. It has developed technologies that will allow synchronizing the operation of 200 MW class power units in a system using renewable energy.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński order

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