Strona główna » Poland to resign from Russian coal in a few weeks, and from oil and gas from Russia by the end of the year

Poland to resign from Russian coal in a few weeks, and from oil and gas from Russia by the end of the year

During a press conference held on March 30 at the PKN Orlen warehouse in Mościska near Warsaw, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that today the government will present the most radical plan in Europe of resignation from Russian hydrocarbons – Russian oil, gas and coal. “This plan is needed to disillusion Europe”, said Morawiecki.

Mateusz Morawiecki announced that Poland would be able to refuse Russian coal by May this year at the latest. Also, by the end of the year, it will also stop importing oil and gas from Russia.

“We are calling on all countries to do so, especially Germany and other Western European countries that still import these raw materials from Russia”, appealed Morawiecki and called on the European Commission to establish a tax on Russian hydrocarbons so that “trade rules on the European market were fair.”

On Tuesday, March 29, the Polish government updated the assumptions of the Polish Energy Policy until 2040. It takes into account energy sovereignty, especially the rapid independence of the domestic economy from imported fossil fuels: coal, crude oil and natural gas, and derivatives such as LPG, diesel oil or gasoline from Russia and other countries subject to economic sanctions.

The new energy policy of Poland is assuming an increasing technological diversification and expansion of capacity based on domestic sources, further development of renewable energy sources, further diversification of supplies and provision of alternatives to hydrocarbons, implementation of nuclear energy and development of energy networks and storage capabilities.


Adrian Andrzejewski


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