Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Poland remains attractive to foreign investors

Poland remains attractive to foreign investors

by Dignity News
According to data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD, the year 2021 was a record year in terms of investment. The inflow of foreign direct investment to Poland amounted to more than USD 24.8 billion. This is almost twice as much as the year before.

According to the JLL report “Made in Poland”, only with the participation of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, the projects with a total value of over EUR 3.5 billion were realised.

Authors of the report point out that the level of public support for investors in Poland is one of the highest in the European Union. When doing business in Poland, companies have many opportunities to obtain financial support from both national and EU sources. Reliefs and subsidies translate into increased interest in the Polish market.

Investors are persuaded not only by tax incentives, but also by government grants, offered for the implementation of the most strategic projects with significant investment outlays and a certain level of new employment.

Companies can benefit from CIT exemptions under the nationwide Polish Investment Zone programme. Since 2018, the tax exemption is available in every location in Poland, including large agglomerations.

As the authors of the report believe, regulations for doing business in Poland have changed significantly over the past few years, as the digitalisation of interactions with public administration has become a major trend. Most of the new regulations are the result of the necessity to implement EU law.

According to the report, there are currently 214 active investment projects in Poland with a total value of EUR 11,557.05 million, and the declared employment in connection with planned investments could be as high as 63,041 people over the next few years.

In terms of capital, South Korea proved to be the largest investor, investing €1.9 billion in Poland and creating 1,967 jobs.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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