Strona główna » Poland calling to end cooperation with Russia and Belarus at CERN

Poland calling to end cooperation with Russia and Belarus at CERN

by Dignity News
During the meeting of the Competitiveness Council (COMPET) held in Luxembourg, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Wojciech Murdzek, on behalf of Poland, called on the countries belonging to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to adopt a resolution on ending cooperation with Russia and Belarus. A decision in this regard may already be taken at the next meeting of the CERN Council.

The CERN Council will then vote on a resolution to end cooperation with Russia, Belarus and the United Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.

The deputy minister emphasized that one of the most important devices in the world, which is the result of the joint work of scientists from many countries, cannot be held hostage by a totalitarian regime. At the same time, he pointed to the need to defend democratic values, respect for human life and freedom of science.

“We must end this cooperation now, without waiting for the Kremlin’s decision, which may be taken at the least convenient time for CERN and for us”, said Wojciech Murdzek emphasizing that there is no autonomous science in Russia and the decisions of politicians allow Russians to work at CERN.

Wojciech Murdzek pointed out that “CERN, or rather its member states cannot make such mistakes as formerly becoming dependent on raw materials from Russia. “Now we are smarter”, he added.

In its position, Poland reminds that 18 European Union countries are members of CERN and 16 votes are needed to accept the resolution – 2/3 of the number of CERN member states. “I know that other countries that are not EU members also support our point of view”, said Deputy Minister Murdzek.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN is a research and development center operating i.a. Large Hadron Collider.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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