Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » PKN Orlen to spend hundreds of billions on investments, including a third on 'green’ projects

PKN Orlen to spend hundreds of billions on investments, including a third on ‘green’ projects


In its strategy update, PKN Orlen envisages investment outlays of PLN 320 billion by 2030, including PLN 120 billion for so-called “green” investments. The company said that its board of directors has adopted an update of its strategy until 2030.

According to information published in PKN Orlen’s announcement, investments in the upstream segment are to amount to PLN 70bn, in the refining segment to PLN 60bn, of which PLN 25bn are to be so-called green investments. Outlays in the petrochemicals segment are to reach PLN 40bn, of which PLN 5bn are to be allocated to green investments.

In the conventional power engineering and networks segment, investments are to amount to PLN 65bn, of which PLN 15bn are to be allocated to green investments. Outlays in the new energy and renewable energy sources (RES) segment are planned at PLN 70 billion, with retail at PLN 15 billion, of which PLN 5 billion are dedicated to green investments. The new targets for 2030 include refining capacity of the group’s refineries at around 42 million tonnes of crude oil per year, around 3.8 GW of installed capacity in steam and gas units (CCGTs), a retail network of 3,500 stations, offering a full range of energy products, more than 9 GW of installed RES capacity, production of more than 3 million tonnes per year of biofuels and more than 1 billion cubic metres of biogas, more than 10 000 charging points for electric vehicles in Central Europe, more than 12 billion cubic metres of total gas production in Poland and abroad.

In addition, the strategy envisages more than 130,000 tonnes per year of renewable hydrogen production, around 300 MW of installed capacity in SMR nuclear reactors and the expansion of CO2 capture infrastructure to around 3 million t per year.

The strategy also sets decarbonisation and carbon neutrality targets. By 2030, it assumes a 25 % decrease in CO2 emissions in the refining, petrochemicals and mining segment with respect to 2019, a 40 % reduction in emissions intensity in the power generation segment, and after 2030, an end to coal-fired power generation by 2035.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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