Strona główna » Overnight meeting of the presidents of Poland and Ukraine

Overnight meeting of the presidents of Poland and Ukraine


The presidents of Poland and Ukraine, Andrzej Duda and Volodymyr Zelenski, met in Rzeszow at night on Thursday 9 February. President Zelenski reported on his recent diplomatic activity in Brussels and other European capitals. „The talks also focused on security in the region”, reported the Polish President’s Office on Twitter.

Head of the Office of International Policy Marcin Przydacz added that the presidents discussed the current situation on the frontlines and the security situation in the region, as well as the need for further joint efforts to support Ukraine militarily. They also discussed the agenda ahead of the upcoming North Atlantic Treaty Organisation summit in Vilnius.

It was also reported that Polish President Andrzej Duda would meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg next week.

At the end of the talks, which lasted nearly two hours, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski once again thanked Poland for its support for Ukraine, including its care for millions of Ukrainian refugees.

The Ukrainian leader flew to Rzeszów from Brussels, where he was a guest of EU leaders gathered at the European Council summit. He also spoke at the European Parliament.

“Coming back to Europe, we are returning home. I stand before you to defend our right to return home. All Ukrainians of different ages, of different political beliefs, of different social status, of different religious beliefs, we all have a common European history behind us”, said the Ukrainian President in his speech to the European Parliament.

On the sidelines of the European Council summit, Volodymyr Zelenski met with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Informing about this meeting, the Prime Minister’s Office stated that “Russia is the aggressor. For years we have warned against its imperialism. That is why Poland was the first to support Ukraine and show that this is a war for the future of Europe and the freedom of the world.”

Adrian Andrzejewski

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