Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Over PLN 15 million earmarked for Polish-Chinese research projects

Over PLN 15 million earmarked for Polish-Chinese research projects

by Dignity News
Thirteen projects have received financial support in the third international SHENG competition for Polish-Chinese research projects. The total budget of the Polish part of the research is more than PLN 15 million.

The SHENG international bilateral competition for Polish-Chinese research projects is organised by the National Science Centre (NCN) in cooperation with the Chinese agency National Natural Science Foundation of China. In the premiere part in April 2019, nearly PLN 36.4 million was allocated to 30 projects. In the second iteration, the results of which were announced in November 2021, nearly PLN 28 million were granted to Polish scientists.

According to NCN, 125 applications were submitted for the third competition, of which 13 were recommended for funding, including 12 from the sciences and technology and one from the social sciences. The total budget of the grants awarded for the Polish part of the research is over PLN 15 million. The implementation of each project will be supervised by two managers: one from the Chinese side and the other from the Polish side.

The most funds from this pool (PLN 1.8 million) will be awarded to Dr Dominika Michalina Wawrzyńczyk from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, who, together with scientists from Shenzhen University, will develop a new technique for advanced bio-imaging and optical bio-detection, using fast luminescence lifetime mapping with specially designed luminescent nanoprobes to detect and image changes in their immediate environment in real time.

Almost PLN 1.5 million for research conducted jointly with scientists from Nanjing University of Science and Technology was obtained by Prof. Małgorzata Kujawińska from the Warsaw University of Technology. The result is expected to be a theoretical basis and technical support for the next generation of non-fluorescence imaging tools for 2D/3D single cell analysis, which will enable scientists to efficiently study large populations with sub-cellular precision with easy sample preparation and no risk of contamination.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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