Strona główna » Orlen testing hydrogen locomotive

Orlen testing hydrogen locomotive

by Dignity News
Polish multi-utility company Orlen has bought a hydrogen locomotive, the first rail vehicle of this type in Poland, from Pesa Bydgoszcz and has started testing it. As part of the trials, the first run of the locomotive took place between Gdynia and Hel. According to Orlen, the contract with Pesa also includes a 4-year service package, which will include standard maintenance and possible repairs.

“According to the assumptions, we are carrying out business tasks that will ensure our long-term development and strong position in Europe, and at the same time will fit into the strategy of strengthening the energy security of Poles. One of the key elements of this process is the development of alternative fuels, including hydrogen”, said Orlen CEO Daniel Obajtek.

The hydrogen-powered traction shunting locomotive will ultimately operate on the side-track of the Production Plant in Płock. The locomotive’s tanks hold 175 kg of hydrogen, while the traction system also includes two fuel cells of 85 kW each, a battery and four traction motors.

According to Obajtek, the purchase of the first hydrogen locomotive from Pesa is an important step in the commercialisation of this technology and the strengthening of our position in an area that is the future of motoring.

“Thanks to this investment, we will gain the competence needed to prepare a comprehensive offer for the supply of hydrogen fuel for the railway market. Our activities are making a real contribution to the transformation of Polish railways using state-of-the-art technology. At the same time, we are investing in the development of zero-emission public transport by building further publicly available hydrogen refuelling stations in Poland and abroad”, stressed the Orlen CEO.

According to the strategy, by 2030, Orlen is to spend PLN 7.4 billion on investments in hydrogen technology based on renewable energy sources and technology for converting municipal waste to hydrogen. The company is developing its network of publicly accessible, 24-hour hydrogen refuelling stations in Poland and abroad.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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