Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » ORLEN prepares to exploit further Norwegian natural gas deposits

ORLEN prepares to exploit further Norwegian natural gas deposits

by Dignity News
ORLEN Group is preparing to start production from further gas fields in Norway. In the next few months, the company will start exploitation of the Tommeliten Alpha field, which will provide it with an additional 0.5 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year. The crude gas extracted from the new deposits will go via the Baltic Pipe pipeline to Poland.

Tommeliten Alpha is one of the major investment projects currently underway on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The final work necessary to start production is already underway at the deposit. More than 42 % of Tommeliten Alpha is owned by PGNiG Upstream Norway of the ORLEN Group. The field’s resources are estimated at 80-174 million barrels of oil equivalent, of which ORLEN Group’s share is 33-73 million barrels. In addition to natural gas, condensate and oil will be also extracted from Tommeliten Alpha.

In addition to Tommeliten Alpha, ORLEN Group is pursuing several other projects related to the launch of further deposits. Only this year, the company has obtained administrative approvals to start preparations for the exploitation of the Alve Nord, Orn, Fenris, Tyrving, Andvare and Verdande deposits, as well as the Yggdrasil area. Their development will provide the company with approximately 9 billion cubic metres of gas over their exploitation period. The fields will be brought on stream between 2024 and 2027.

According to ORLEN’s strategy, by the end of 2030, the company’s production will increase to 12 bcm of gas per year from 7.7 bcm last year. Half of the crude will be sourced from fields in Norway.

“Following the acquisition of LOTOS and PGNiG, ORLEN integrated their Norwegian assets in order to increase its ability to invest in oil and gas exploration and production in Norway thanks to the gained synergies. We have created an entity that ranks among the 10 largest upstream companies in Norway in terms of resources and production volumes”, said Daniel Obajtek, CEO of ORLEN S.A.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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