Strona główna » Ocean Winds to introduce young people to the potential of offshore wind farms with a program „Career with the wind”

Ocean Winds to introduce young people to the potential of offshore wind farms with a program “Career with the wind”

by Dignity News
Ocean Winds Polska, a company operating in offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, is implementing educational programs aimed at children and teenagers of primary and secondary technical schools. The flagship program called “Career with the Wind” will bring young people closer to the energy potential of sea wind, develop knowledge in the field of offshore wind farms and present opportunities for professional development in this sector of the economy.

From the beginning of the school year 2021/2022 to April 2022, in the Energy Schools in Gdańsk, the Kazimierz Pulaski Schools in Częstochowa and the Władysław Orkan Schools No. 2 in Szczecin, 17 educational meetings were held.

Students studying the following profiles: energy technician, renewable energy technician and electrician technician got to know stages of establishing offshore wind farms, supply chains of components and strategic aspects of the development of offshore wind energy in Poland on the examples of investments carried out by Ocean Winds in the world.

“We believe in the power of knowledge transfer and long-term prospects for the development of natural energy sources in Poland, especially offshore wind energy. That is why we are engaged in dialogue with young people, technical secondary school students and try to show them the backstage of our work and professional development in the offshore sector”explains Kacper Kostrzewa, director of the BC-Wind project, implemented by Ocean Winds in Poland.

In addition to secondary school education, Ocean Winds is organizing the international action “Winds Experts” dedicated to students aged 8-12 in three countries where the company runs its projects: Poland, Spain and Great Britain. Its aim is to raise awareness of climate change and to promote effective solutions reducing its effects.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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