Strona główna » Morawiecki: Everyone looking at Poland with the hope of the „Solidarity” times

Morawiecki: Everyone looking at Poland with the hope of the “Solidarity” times

“Joe Biden can be the leader of the free world not only because he is the leader of the greatest power, but above all, because he wants to defend Western values. And Western values ​​are based on Christian culture. This is what distinguishes Poland and the USA from Russia, democracy from dictatorship. We believe in freedom, goodness and solidarity. We are the civilization of life”, wrote Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in a commentary for the “Fakt” daily.

“President Biden said we must not fear, we must not be afraid. This is the most important thing. And he was also not afraid to be among people – close to refugees, close to soldiers, close to the inhabitants of Warsaw. This closeness is our strength. It is Putin who should be afraid”, stated Mateusz Morawiecki and stressed that Russia had already moved to the position of totalitarianism.

The Polish prime minister wrote that “when President Joe Biden was quoting John Paul II, I knew he was a man who understood Poland perfectly. A faith that dispels the darkness of authoritarianism. Such words could only be said in Warsaw. ”

Mateusz Morawiecki also drew attention to the words repeatedly quoted by the American president during his visit that “the protection of NATO’s borders is a sacred obligation” and that Poland will not remain alone, also in helping refugees. The US President has declared specific financial resources to support.

The president in many places has emphasized the role of Poland, Poles, the Polish government and all institutions in helping Ukrainian neighbours in their tragedy. “This is important and we should be glad that Poland has its wonderful “five minutes” today and that everyone is looking at Poland with hope reminiscent of the times of “Solidarity”, said Prime Minister Morawiecki.

Adrian Andrzejewski




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