Strona główna » Mood in Polish companies is worsening

Mood in Polish companies is worsening

by Dignity News
According to a survey commissioned by the Lewiatan Confederation, conducted by CBM Indicator 57% of enterprises believe that the conditions for doing business have deteriorated in the last six months, especially taking into account the regulatory and administrative environment. 39% did not see a significant change and for 4% the conditions improved. Large companies are most critical of the reality.

The mood regarding running a company in the near future in the business context is rather unfavorable. A negative attitude prevails over a positive attitude. 51% of entrepreneurs have a negative attitude and 44% are positive. Managers from large companies are the most pessimistic (62%) about the current reality. The percentage of medium-sized companies that think similarly reached 52%, and the percentage of small ones – 50%.

Entrepreneurs were also asked what they thought about running a company in 2022 in the context of changes in the law and administrative activities. 61% of enterprises are afraid of such changes, including 64% of large and medium-sized enterprises and 60% of small ones. 31% of companies have a positive attitude (32% small, 28% medium and 26% large ones).

The annual survey of entrepreneurs’ mood was carried out in April this year by the “Business Index” on a representative sample of entrepreneurs by CBM Indicator at the request of the Lewiatan Confederation.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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