“If we look at Poland today: a country which has a developed road network, if we look at our sports base, we do not have to do much”, the Minister of Sport and Tourism, Sławomir Nitras, asked about the possibility of organising the summer Olympic Games in Poland.
Minister Nitras noted that the current government’s view of priorities in sport is different from that of his predecessor, Kamil Bortniczuk.
“There has been a major divergence in Poland. Mr Bortniczuk wanted to allocate 300 million PLN for a Sports Centre for PZPN in Otwock, while I am allocating support for 36 football clubs in the first and second leagues. Mr Bortniczuk promised huge stadiums, which serve not popular but professional sport. I am building 1,000 Orlik smaller stadiums, I am modernising 2,600 Orliks, we are building ice rinks. Next week I will announce a huge programme of support for amateur leagues. I will support those who organise bike rallies. This is much more important than satisfying a few dozen activists”, said the minister.
The head of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism referred to the possibility of hosting the Olympic Games in Poland. President Andrzej Duda said last September that Poland would seek to host the summer games in 2036. Nitras does not intend to withdraw from these declarations.
“If we look at Poland today as a country with a developed road network, if we look at our sports base, we do not need to do much. Of course, we would have to build an Olympic Stadium, for example, but we are ready for that. It must be like the European Championship in 2012: a national project, a civilisation project, after which Poland will be in better shape. We must all prepare for that. The Games are not just for 10 or 15 thousand athletes to come to us. The Games are to change our schools, to get young people interested… Only then it will make sense”, he explained.
Adrian Andrzejewski