Strona główna » Minister Czarnek participates at the inauguration of the academic year at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin

Minister Czarnek participates at the inauguration of the academic year at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin

by Dignity News
The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, took part in the inauguration of the academic year at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, where he delivered a lecture ‘Poland and the unlawful actions of some European Union bodies’.

In his lecture, Minister Czarnek referred to two dates that were landmarks for Poland. The first was March 1999, when Poland joined NATO, and the second was 1 May 2004, when Poland joined the European Union.

“After 1 May 2004, we broke through a certain impossibilism that had existed in our country for the first 15 years. Impossibilism in the spending, not only EU funds, but also in the spending of internal funds. Everything we can see around us today; the development of road infrastructure highways is the effect of Poland’s accession to the EU. But it is also the effect of spending Polish funds in an orderly and transparent manner. Thanks to this, in addition to motorways we also have commune, district or voivodeship roads,” stressed the minister.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science also referred to the breaking of the impossibility of spending funds on objectives that serve the development of our country, especially investments made in Polish education and higher education. He recalled that over the last two and a half years, his ministry has allocated PLN 4.8 billion for the computerisation of Polish schools and the development of modern science.

“The European Union has taught us to overcome impossibilism and will continue to teach us this. We need the Union, and it needs us. But we need the Union that will also respect its treaties and, above all, act in solidarity with the countries that are on the front line of the military and economic war”, Minister Czarnek said.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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