Strona główna » Minister Czarnek opens Poland’s first 3D Printing Laboratory

Minister Czarnek opens Poland’s first 3D Printing Laboratory

by Dignity News
The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, inaugurated Poland’s first 3D Printing Laboratory. He handed over a cheque for nearly PLN 6 million for its needs. The laboratory will operate as part of the Multidisciplinary Research Centre of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw.

“The opening of the new research unit is a step into the future of UKSW. In this way, we are responding to the needs of the current industrial transformation, which includes green technologies and modern production technologies”, said Rector of UKSW Rev. Prof. Ryszard Czekalski.

The 3D Printing Laboratory is the first in the country, and one of the few in Europe, a research unit capable of conducting research and implementation work in the full range from initial concepts based on numerical models to the finished product. Research is conducted using state-of-the-art equipment – including the Aconity MINI device for incremental manufacturing using laser melting technology in a powder bed – commonly referred to as a 3D printer in metal. This is the first such device in our part of Europe.

The total cost of the implementation of the task will amount to PLN 5 999 320.00 and will be financed as part of the support from the Ministry of Education and Science, ‘New Polish metallic materials for the purposes of incremental manufacturing technology’.

The Multidisciplinary Research Centre is the third UKSW campus under construction, bringing together data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber security.

“I am very pleased with today’s event. These issues are extremely important from a scientific point of view. The development of the university has been impressive recently. The concept of the 3D printing laboratory and the possibilities that are associated with it and the fact that it is a leading centre of this kind in Poland leave no doubt that such initiatives should be supported”, said Minister Przemysław Czarnek during the inauguration of the 3D Printing Laboratory.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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