Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Laboratory of Power Engineering Machinery and Equipment of the Krakow University of Technology opened

Laboratory of Power Engineering Machinery and Equipment of the Krakow University of Technology opened

by Dignity News
Krakow University of Technology (PK) has added a new research centre. Worth over PLN 7 million, the Laboratory of Power Engineering Machinery and Equipment (LMiUE) was officially opened at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Power Engineering.

The new laboratory conducts research into the thermal-physical and mechanical properties of modern materials using the most advanced techniques. It also performs – important for environmental protection – chemical analyses and determinations of persistent pollutants, including pesticides, hormones and drugs in soil, water and air. The wide range of LMiUE’s research capabilities and the expertise of PK specialists will benefit not only scientists, but also companies.

The new laboratory is part of the Regional Complex of Accredited PK Research and Calibration Laboratories, which was established at Krakow University of Technology thanks to support from EU funds. It also includes two other PK research facilities from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

‘The opening of the Accredited Laboratory of Power Engineering Machinery and Equipment enables the Krakow University of Technology to carry out new and improved work at a high European level and to provide research services, mainly in highly advanced materials and technologies for industry. The creation of the new facility also contributes to an increase in scientific and economic potential and the level of innovation in Małopolska voivodship,’ said Rector of the Krakow University of Technology Prof. Andrzej Szarata.

The cost of setting up the just-opened Laboratory of Power Engineering Machinery and Equipment is PLN 7.35 million, of which EU funding amounted to PLN 5.41 million, with the remaining funds coming from the university’s budget and the PK departments. The head of the new unit at the University of Technology, operating within the Department of Thermal Processes, Air Protection and Waste Disposal of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Power Engineering at PK, is Dr Eng. Jan Wrona.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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