Strona główna » Kraków is the leader in the ranking of salaries in Poland

Kraków is the leader in the ranking of salaries in Poland

by Dignity News
According to the latest data on salaries from the Central Statistical Office, Kraków is number one in the ranking in Poland. The capital of Malopolska has benefited from the decline of Katowice, which fell off the top of the ranking. Warsaw is back in the lead in terms of salaries.

The average salary in the enterprise sector in Kraków in July 2023 was PLN 9,120.66. Gdańsk came second with a result of PLN 8,939.37. The podium is closed by Warsaw, where employees on average in companies receive PLN 8,931.32 per month. Katowice, the previous leader, dropped to fourth place.

Compared to July 2022, salaries in Kraków increased by 9.3 %, in Gdańsk by 10.9 % and in Warsaw by 10.2 %. In Kraków, the capital of Małopolska, salaries increased to the greatest extent (compared to July 2022) in the transport and warehouse management section (by 19.5 %), in Gdańsk the greatest increases were recorded in the real estate services section (by 26.5 %), while in Warsaw salaries grew the most in the administration and support activities section (by 15.8 %).

In Poland, in July, the average gross salary in the enterprise sector was PLN 7485.12. This means that the following voivodeships boasted earnings above the average: Mazowieckie (PLN 8503.53), Dolnośląskie (PLN 8348.52), Małopolskie (PLN 7829.29), Śląskie (PLN 7732.91) and Pomorskie (PLN 7587.39). On the other hand, the three voivodeships with the lowest average earnings are the Lubelskie (PLN 6,178.09), Podkarpackie (PLN 6,200.65) and Warmińsko-Mazurskie (PLN 6,274.70) voivodeships.

The Podlaskie Voivodeship draws attention as higher earnings are not in the region’s capital city – PLN 6,185.04, but outside it (PLN 6,399.56). This is due to the fact that most of the largest companies (including production plants) have their offices outside the voivodeship city. The situation is similar in Lubuskie Voivodeship. Earnings in Gorzów Wielkopolski are lower than the average in the voivodeship. The difference is more than 400 PLN.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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